My inner child asks me to be a childhood freedom advocate

Many people think i am someone into education industry. Someone who has academic qualifications in education or in the business of.

I do make money from this project, (donations and voluntary contributions) but that is not the top 5 primary motives. I don’t consider myself or this project a project to educate children but to make them happy children. Better children.

Of course, the goal sounds very away from modern life, hippie, impractical and dreamlandish. But it has profound meaning if you dwelve deeper. And give me sometime to explain.

Scientific, rational and objective dialogue

the reason i call myself an advocate, because in courts where judges or people in power have to take decisions they will not act on my feelings or emotions. They will want substantial data, evidence and logic and rationale to do justice.

This is what I try to do here. Although the premise of this project is ethereal , the method in which i propose it is very quantifiable , objective and pragmatic.

I understand that we are living in the world where adults are obsessed about “Survival” of children and worried about their future. And someone in that mindset is only focusing on the outcomes and results.

in that haste to quench the worry, we often forget what we KNOW but act on what FEELS right. And in this case, our feelings are irrational instinctive reactions and not thoughtful scientific actions.

This is what I want to do with this project. Request the parents to calm down for a minute. Look at what you are doing. Let me assist you, provide you clear picture and remind you of things that are no secret but already known.

The fight is not against you, but your worries. The purpose is to reduce toxicity and bring prosperity in to each and everyone’s lives. To make a better individual and better world.

All this, without compromising on the needs of the modern life. Just rationalizing and creating a balance.

How and why I started this project?

I started playgic after 10 years of research and working in education sector. When i was in schools i saw how children were forced and abused. Sometimes physically and even mentally. I had similar experiences while growing up.

I started debating with parents, teachers and for a healthy debate i had to provide evidence, logic. And this came through my own observations, some common sense, reading greatest authors and getting to interact and learn from experts.

This gave me clearer picture of why and how childhood can be de-industrialised. More exact details of what the damage is, how much the destruction is and what are the ways to heal without going into other extreme

And this blog is my attempt to share my learnings with the world.

My own story

I wish I never had went to school. At least not in the way the school filled my childhood like smoke in a glass factory.

I miss the precious years of my childhood that went by quickly with less free time, and things to do because of school.

Even I thought going to school was necessary and the only way to operate in modern times. But as i learnt and observed i found that this is not true. I got invovled with an education project and learnt more about unschooling and “natural childhood”.

When i say school, i don’t mean to criticize common places of learning or against having social interaction.

We are an Ed-Humanize Start-up!

In a world which is obsessed about making children into another machine, we are making a case to let them remain human. I am not anyone related to formal education system.

So we are in the business of selling inaction by parents. Which is VERY risky business proposition. But we are not here to make money as primary motive, so we don’t care. As long as i have enough to eat and 6 feet place to sit and sleep. I will continue this project. And even a single parent or child influnced by this i would consider this project a success.

Active members of Playgic project

  • Shahid –
  • Bhanu
  • Achuta Nadapana

Advisors and guides

Dr Shashi Rao – PHD education

Bhavya Foundation

Resource people

  • Gurpreet Kaur – Founder – Uday Waldorf inspired school Jaipur