Events – Meet ups, webinars, workshops

The upcoming webinars, events and workshops will be posted on this page

People learn from their own past experiences and understanding. Our workshops are not some where i tell you what MY experiences were.

We just don’t sometimes get the ephinany and stimulation to connect the dots of information we already know. This is what i do in my workshops.

My workshops are there to GUIDE , and assist you in connecting the dots that you ALREADY know. The best i can do is share my own experiences. Or offer my perspective on your queries. Do not take them verbatim. I think true (sustainable and meaningul) learning and unlearning happens through SELF only. And me as your friend, is ONLY going to show you the way. And i will not be walking with you.

The journey has to be YOURs.

For all topics the practice session model is

  • The topic
    • For example let’s say we are talking about “Starting early for a better academic growth of a child”
  • Your and general emotions in the soceity (automated behaviour)
    • What are your primary belief system
    • what happens in
    • reflect if you do the same.
  • FACTS and DATA – your experiences
    • How You, your friends and people around you ?
    • Your own expere
  • Counter discussions
    • Try to fill up missing dots. Share others perspectives, talk about conditions that would change the system Etc.
  • Conclusions
    • We usually, do not declare one conclusion, as we believe anything in life but more on HOW are we going to test/experiment or implement the ideas discussed in above discussions. what exactly are we going to DO or NOT do. Discussing how we will design an environment, checks and balances. May be find a buddy? Or put a poster on wall? Or set a reminder?


  • Overall development –
    • Skills needed in 21st centuary
    • Secure future – Certainty security parents workshop
  • What’s more important Happiness, relationships, experiences, freedom or security, degrees, packages? Is an
  • What will worse happen if child does not do well academically
  • How do you feel when you know your child has nt scored well in exams.
  • Are exams important in terms of real life?

Techniques –

wpshowposts- events