Benefits of Playgic Self Managed learning centers (Schooling alternatives)

When we discuss about unschooling on this blog, we talk about how school is a negative both for child and parent. How it is a negative ROI. Both in terms of learning, mental development as well as economically.

Once people learn that schooling model is a problem,

Then the natural progressive question is , what if not school? What if not school?

Now, many parents choose for homeschooling , or some just keeping children at home. This can be a little challenging for some parents, as some have JOB commitments. And most live in nuclear families.

Parents already are overloaded with work, and errands it is very difficult for them to take out full time for children.

Changing times – nuclear families
we are not living in older times where communities were safe as most people lived around extended families. Children were taken care of, their fooding, well being was there.

Today we live in cities where we don’t even know the person living in the apartment next door. The community factor is very important for a child to learn.

So how can we bring back the same safe, healthy community life back to childhood?

Learning centers!

We suggest learning centers with small groups of children 20-30

Problems with school

  • High costs
    • The fees and travel time costs
    • Opportunity cost
  • Not individual attention
  • Intra learning does nt happen
  • High
  • Old outdated curriculum
  • Does not

Challenges with not sending children to school

  • Parents don’t have time
  • Nuclear families
  • Safety issues
  • resources problem
  • Social interaction

Other benefits of learning centers:

  • Money used for development not making school owners rich
  • Hiring BEST in class for a skill.
  • Project based learning
  • Life and not preparing for life
  • Parents and guardians become the teachers/guides
  • Sharing of resources
  • Social interaction (controlled)
  • Adults
  • Community ktichen
  • Managed by parents themselves
  • Hangout space for Grandparents too
  • Safe – with CCTV and parents from all
  • Located in neighbourhood
  • Sharing of resources (less cost more exposure)
  • Group buying

What is unique about playgic franchisee model? Why get affiliation from playgic?

You can start your OWN learning center and you can ALSO take an affiliation from playgic. Here are some of the benefits and reasons why you should consider joining PLAYGIC platform for your children’s learning centers.

  • It is not entirely profit driven,
    there are no investors and it is purely a platform that people use. Of course there are some checks and balances but those are minimal. This means that we take only a tiny percentage enough to get the operations going and support the people.
  • Networking is faster
    Once you get tied up with a network, it is easier to connect with more people.

  • Support from network of experts

  • Group buy offers
  • Exchange programs through other centers
  • Non standardization
    You run your center way you want as long as …
    Every playgic center follows their own design,
  • Common core beliefs

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