Guide method of teaching Vs handholding/spoonfeeding

When i talk about education and learning, i notice many people advising me to start an education company and offer courses.

That could be one of the ways to teach someone something. But another way could be to TEACH on how to LEARN something rather than teaching by hand holding.

While self learning is great, it should be accompanied by an environment that fosters learning. What do I mean by that?

For example, when I was 18 year old, i did my first job in a web design company. I was working in the marketing department. And wanted to learn how to make websites.

For example, if i had to teach someone how to sing, rather than sitting with that person and practicing along everyday 1 hour. I would rather direct that person to relevant “keystone” information and let him learn by himself, which only be available to guide him along the way to provide feedback or get through.

“I learnt a lesson” we say this when we have a bad experience. We learn best by failures. Failures are unwanted outcomes. But if you think, every outcome is a lesson. And the more we allow a child to choose his course of experiment and learning. It wll be faster and easy way to learn for him. Because a child knows BEST of what he is understanding and what not.

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