Why self paced learning is important – And how play is BEST method of learning

Every mind and individual has different levels of development, understanding.

A brain wants to spend more time at different levels of the concept.

  • Some brains want to go faster and repeat. some like to go slowly through the concept.
  • Some brains want to spend more time at one concept
  • Some brains don’t want to learn something, don’t have the accumen

core idea –

  • electricity example, – it is foolish to start with circuits,electrons. Learning starts from higher level of a concept. And then digs deep.

How play fecilitates

  • Play means child can learn at his own pace
  • Play means brain can spend time in developing an interest before dwelving into tinkering.
  • Play leaves space for observation, which is also primary way to learn.

A learning model

Lets say a child has to learn a topic/skill that has following levels/areas

  1. Area 1
    1. concept A
    2. concept B
    3. Concept C
  2. Area 2
    1. Concept A
    2. concept B
    3. concept C
  3. Area 3
    1. Concept A
    2. concept B

Now some child want to start with Area 3 and spend whole one month at area 3 before moving on to Area 2, some child has more background knowledge of area 1 and want to start with that and quickly get done with concept A , B , C and then wait before

We cannot control , plan exactly

how this process is disturbed in a classroom

how this process is disturbed in a homeschool/parent directed environment

How this process is fecilated in self directed but group/support environment

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