Playgic – a list of activities and projects

When we speak about unschooling, we talk about LIFE. Life has much more to offer than 5 subjects that children study in school

There are various projects which are organized by playgic time to time

The core concept of playgic life design is where children OWN the projects and do them in a playful manner. Just how traditionally it was done in tribes.

Adults are there to guide them. And these programs are supported and managed by parents. Parents are best teachers because they also care for children.

Benefit of being part of a parenting platform like playgic is that every parent becomes a resource person. Every parent brings their expertise, experience, resource which all children in the group can benefit from.

That’s why we don’t do a business model, because we can never match and hire the resources that are available with parents. We want to make the process automated and sustainable.

Here are examples of

  1. Art and Craft
    1. Different kinds of art and craft
    2. woodwork
    3. clay craft
    4. others
  2. Electricity
    1. Building electricity models
    2. Making cooler, fridge
  3. Plumbing
    1. adding tap to any bucket

  4. House construction
    1. Making of a hut
    2. Making of tiny bricks dog house
    3. testing different roof designs
  5. Physics models
  6. Library and books
    1. at least 1000 books shared amongst maximum 30-50 children.
  7. Film making and appreciation
    1. Film club and society as per age groups
  8. Farming
    1. Real World MeraFarm project
    2. Afforestration programs
    3. Permaculture project
  9. Sports
    1. Swimming sports visits tie ups in schools etc
    2. Long distance Running workshops
  10. Landscaping
    1. Taking up landscaping and other projects in each other’s houses

  11. Board games
  12. Astronomy – telescope for studying
  13. Astrology
  14. Travel and exchange programs
    1. Travel and exchange programs amongst different playgic centers will be organized.
    2. Will be accompanied by parents.
  15. Computers and programming (only for age 15 and above)
    1. Hard networking projects and course
      Children will assemble de-assmble computers, And

Other things that are open apart from these are :

  • Social work
  • running a newspaper/channel
  • Make a film and release in market


How are these programs conducted

  • Many of these activities will be done by children themselves, like reading books etc. And time to guidance will be provided as per availability by playgic platform.
  • Some of these activities like music etc are collaborated continuously
  • Some workshops will be conducted and there would be extra cost for it.
  • These programs are led by a parent or a group of parent.
  • Transportation cost etc are shared by the parents as well.

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