Few anamolies of schooling system

  1. If a child wants to become a doctor,
    why does he have to complete in an exam and get entry into medical college for his score in English literature?

  2. If a child has to study literature, why does he need to study algebra? Or Geometry?

  3. If a child wants to be an artist, why does he have to study science?

  4. If a child has to become a singer,
    why does he need to study history, algebra, geography and spend so many hours every day in something that has no relevance in his life ?

  5. If a child learns fast,
    Why does he has to wait months to wait for exam? Or sometimes years?

  6. If a child learns slow
    Why does he has to take an exam, when he is not even ready!

  7. If a child fails in two subjects,
    He is termed as a failure and has to repeat the whole year again.

    Not only that. He has to study the cleared subjects again. No matter how good the score was.


  8. Age limits
    A child cannot appear for board exams until turns 14. This is also limiting a child who might be 11 and ready for exam.

These are just some of the clear anamolies in the current schooling system.

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