Uninterrupted time to learn

Learning is living life.If you are observing , pondering into something, you are learning. A child does the same. It is like being engrossed in a story, like watching a movie.

Can you watch a movie with multiple breaks that spreads into days ?

Can you really learn something if the story is told to you scene by scene in words rather than watching the film yourself?

I do not think so!

Then how do we expect children to learn something by constantly being controlled on how they should watch the film. Which scene , which dialogue, when?

You see how audiences react if the screen theatre goes blank during a movie? how much an advertisement irritates us when the climax is going on.

Same happens with children when an adult tries to intervene in the child’s thought process.

As we advance into a more industrialised world. The consumer mindset is growing in adults. And Most adults are becoming a hinderance in the learning process of children.

The irony is, they are trying to do more. But that’s a negative.

Sometimes, less is more.

There may be another view

how will a child learn if he does not get guidance and exposure.

Guidance is different from indoctrinition. Guidance is sought, indoctrinition is enforced. The first is not a choice, latter one is.

External dominance of learning leads to interruption in the deep state of learning process. Whics is a meditative state where a child is deeply diving into the ocean of learning trance, observing the colors, relationships, references formed in his brain.

And here we are, well meaning adults, teachers, parents pulling him out of that wonderful dream he is living and asking them to stand at the shore, and wait for the orders on when to dive.

This transports this child back into the boring real world.

Any disturbance or external control of that process hampers the learning process. Not just the learning suffers but also a child eventually looses the ability to going into that process.

That’s what schooling does to a child.

He eventually leaves that ingrained habit of deep learning but instead starts focusing on following orders and complying to adults who think they know better than him on how he would learn.

Telling a child when to learn is like telling someone when they should be hungry or when they should pee.

An individual knows best of those things.

Sure, you can ask or suggest, but the final decision has to be theirs.

The deep sub-conscious learning part of brain, does not work industrial values like that practiced in a school.

A schooled environment can get labourious work done. Writing, copying, rote learning.

But it cannot understand the concepts, or get better at “learning how to learn”.

When a child is playing AKA experimenting, his brain is registering the outcomes/information. Any forceful external influence in this stage interrupts that process.

Other specific key take aways and thoughts :

  • classrooms decide the speed and what to learn .
  • Can deep immersive learning, really be scheduled strictly ?
  • Is deep immersion possible for multiple things at a time?

I can explain the points above, but i think these are mostly self explanatory. This should make most adults think enough.

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